Jen with her Bouquet of Garlic Scapes and Asparagus, 2013 Three on location tintype photobooths are coming up in September! We'll have our portable darkroom set up at various Rochester locations (weather permitting) and be offering tintypes for $40.

The 19th century wet-plate process is sensitive to the blue end of the spectrum, so most blues appear light in collodion. Jen's shorts or shirt in the above image could have been blue. As collodion is less sensitive to reds and oranges, these colors usually appear dark in a tintype.

Because this color sensitivity is different from modern panchromatic films, this process lets us see ourselves in a different way. It's how we might have looked if photographed 150 years ago at the dawn of photography.

Each image is an archival, unique object that will last for generations. The tintype photobooths are a lot of fun! We also offer private studio sessions offering more sizes and either ambrotypes or tintypes.

Now for the when and where . . .

SAT 9/19  Abundance Pop Up Market, 571 South Ave. (at the corner of Averill), 11a-3p

THU 9/24  South Wedge Farmers Market, 151 Mt. Hope Ave. (near the river), 4p-7p

SAT 9/26  The Secret Lab, 114 Hayward Ave., (next to the Rochester Public Market), 10a-4p